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Petra Bagust

Petra Bagust

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Captivating audiences with her quick wit, infectious warmth, and instinctive insight, Petra Bagust has been one of Aotearoa New Zealand's most sought-after hosts since before avocado toast was considered culinary. Having graced our TV screens and radio waves for decades, Petra became a trusted voice to Kiwis, handling interviews and segments with elegance, intelligence, and humour that can make even the grumpiest of morning viewers crack a smile. From her breakout role on cult classic ICETV, to breakfast TV, talkback radio and building a loyal podcast following, Petra has thrived by staying true to her values and being actively curious.

Off-air, this curiosity is what makes her such a sought-after speaker. Audiences rave about her capacity to make everyone feel important, listened to, and understood. And it is this willingness to do her research and be part of a bigger picture that has seen her shine as an MC and speaker at major events across NZ, bringing professionalism, energy, and genuine insight to each occasion. Whether playing centre stage at major live events, such as Christmas in the Park, Fight for Life and The New Zealand Television Awards, to more intimate settings with invited clients, she finds real joy in making connections with audiences. Thinking on her feet is a strength she relishes, priding herself in navigating through tricky situations and allowing spontaneity to spark connection rather than disruption. She is the first to downplay her comedic chops, but with impeccable timing and a willingness to listen, she can take a conference from drab to fab. 

While her down-to-earth nature makes her approachable, it’s her tangible commitment to her values that allows her to forge genuine connections with audiences. She does not subscribe to a mentality of scarcity. The world, after all, is not cake – it is something to be valued and treasured, something to be shared. Speak to her for a moment and you will feel the truth of this exuding from her. Affiliations with numerous charities and a commitment to learning te reo has only seen her integrity broaden.

In a world craving connection, optimism, substance and, on the right occasion, a good laugh, Petra Bagust is the perfect speaker to inspire your audience to face life's challenges with heart, humour, and wisdom. Let her unique magic light up your next event.

Other Presenting, Radio Presenting, Television Presenter

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