Dallas Halavaka is a talented young actor and dancer, having gained recognition for his lead role in the comedy television series "Duckrockers," a coming-of-age story set in Auckland during the 1980s, which is a prequel to the hit film "Sione's Wedding." The series, which celebrates Pacific Islander culture, follows a group of young break-dancers enjoying their last summer of fun before adulthood. This role highlights Dallas's comedic and acting abilities alongside his impressive dance skills.
Dallas has achieved significant success in dance, particularly in hip-hop, as evidenced by his participation and accomplishments in various Hip Hop International New Zealand (HHINZ) competitions over the years. He was a finalist in the Junior Division with Lil Saintz in 2019, a Bronze Medalist at HHI Worlds in Arizona, USA the same year, and more recently in 2023, he was a Regional Finalist in the Adult Division with Vanquish and a Mega School Division Finalist with MDC Massey Dance Crew. Additionally, Dallas has demonstrated leadership skills in dance as the leader of the Massey Dance Crew in 2023.